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Junior Development


What is Development Testing? Junior Development (JD) Testing is an evaluation tool that has been developed in recent years to measure the progress of our junior athletes and provide understandable feedback to the athletes, coaches and parents. This tool is used to measure the improvement of the athlete over their time spent in the sport and between each testing time period. It is designed to help athletes and coaches set their personal goals and to celebrate personal achievements. It is not meant to be used to measure one athlete against another.


What is the goal for the athletes? The ultimate goal for all athletes is to be awarded a Gold (10), Silver (9), or Bronze (8) level score. This is a very challenging goal to set but attainable over the long term participation of the athlete.


How much does it cost? JD Testing costs between $25- $35 per testing.


How many Testings are there per year? Typically there are three per year. My child missed a Testing, can they make it up? No, the scheduled date must be attended in order to participate in the JD Testing.


My child is very young, is it really necessary for them to partake? Yes! There may be skills in the testing they cannot yet do, but over time they will gain the ability to do them. The basics of flexibility, strength, coordination, etc. can be evaluated at any age. This is a great tool to use from the very beginning to measure athletes progress through the years until they start competing at a National level.


What if I only want to do one Testing per year? This is your choice; however it will not provide the consistent accurate feedback as participating in multiple Testings a year will.


Does my child get anything for doing Testing? Yes, after results have been calculated a certificate stating their name, JD level and total score is given to each participant. They will also receive a report with a general breakdown of their scores. Those who have reach Bronze, Silver or Gold Medal levels will be recognized at the Dive Sask Banquet each season.


What does my child need to bring? Please send your child in their bathing suit, athletic bttoms, runners and a water bottle.


Why does my child seem to be sitting around? Evaluators must spend their time properly evaluating the skills of the athletes. While certain athletes are getting evaluated the others will often be asked to sit quietly for their own safety.


Why does it matter if divers can do some of these skills? These skills have been developed by Provincial Head Coaches (from our own province and others). There has also been input from International Coaches on the program. Please trust the process that everything that is being tested for pertains to our sport.


These skills are too easy! Skills may look easy to an observer; however there are specific techniques and movements that the Evaluators are looking for. Until the “easy” skill is perfected, the diver will never master a more advanced skill.


My child’s score is low, did they fail? There is no pass or fail in JD Testing. Scores will vary for many reasons (age, new to sport, physical limitations, mental limitations, etc). Remember that this is an evaluation tool and to encourage your child to work hard to beat their score the next time. Along with their certificate they will also receive a score breakdown which can be compared testing to testing.


My child’s score is high, why are they not moved to the next level? JD score and age are the two biggest factors of progression. Certain athletes may be scoring at a Bronze (8) or Silver (9) level, but still not be moved up to the next JD testing level due to their age. Skills get much tougher in each testing; if the Lead Evaluator does not feel the athlete is ready to move up, they will remain at their current testing level and aim for getting a Gold Score (10!).


Why did another athlete move up a level when their score was lower than my child? Please do not judge the progression of your child based on another. There can be many reasons why a child is where they are (one of them is listed above in the previous question). If you have a question pertaining to your child specifically please email the Child’s Coach or Lead Evaluator.


How can I help my child improve their score? Daily activity at home that focuses on the athletes areas of weakness will greatly help to seeing an increase in score. Consistent and honest effort will show results over time. After receiving the results, if you have any questions on what you can do to help your child specifically please contact the Child’s Coach or Lead Evaluator for more information.

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